If any poultry bird/s described in the schedule and belonging to the insured
shall die whilst within the geographical area specified in the schedule from any
disease or accident contracted or occurring after the commencement of the
companies liability hereunder then the company will pay or make good to the
insured, after receipt of proof of death satisfactory to the company, the loss
which the insured shall suffer by the death of such birds not exceeding the sum
insured in respect thereof as stated in the schedule hereto or its value as per
the guideline chart issued by the company at the time of loss whichever is less.
Provided always that this policy does not cover death directly or indirectly due
to, or arising out of or resulting from:
1) Malicious wilful injury, neglect, over crowding improper management or
unskilful treatment.
2) Transit by any mode of transport.
3) Culling undergrowth, cannibalism, action of predators like preying birds
and carnivorous animals.
4) Theft/clandestine sale, missing of birds, intentional slaughters.
5) Death during act of vaccination, debeaking.
6) Consequential loss however caused.
7) Permanent and partial disablement of any nature.
8) Loss of production.
9) War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared
or not) civil war, rebellion, insurrection, mutiny, military or usurped
power or any consequences thereof or attempt threat.
10) Accident" loss destruction, damage or legal liability directly or indirectly
caused by or contributed by or arising from nuclear weapons materials.
11) Fowl Pox, Infections, Bronchitis, Fowl spirochetes and …… ….. …..,
(If the routine vaccination against these diseases as per attached
schedule is followed, the cover is extended).
12) Chronic Respiratory disease, Avian leucosis Complex ……. .
13) Salmonellas to be covered subject to submission of clean certificate from
Government authorities immediately after testing.
14) Coccidiosis and ………. disease to be covered subject to preventive and
curative measures.
15) Loss of huddling or piling of birds caused by high temperature or low
temperature during the process of breeding or not maintaining required
temperature during the process of growing of the birds in the cage of
sheds. Conditions:
1) If there shall be any incorrect or untrue statement in the proposal herein
referred to or if the insured shall not state any material fact or
circumstances at the time of proposals or afterwards, or at the
commencement of the risk hereunder or any alternation of this policy., or
on the insured making any claim hereunder or if he shall make any claim
hereunder or if he shall make any false or fraudulent claim, or shall fail in
any particular to observe and perform the terms and conditions hereof,
this policy shall be void, and all premiums paid hereon shall be forfeited to
the Company.
2) Every poultry bird must be sound and in perfect health and free from any
injury or disease at the time of proposal for insurance.
3) The insured shall permit any authorised representatives of the Company at
all times to inspect the poultry birds hereby insured and the premises of
the insured and the insured shall furnish any information which they may
require and shall comply with all reasonable regulations and directions
from time to time made and given by the Company.
4) The insured shall give notice in writing or on phone to the Company of any
death/ outbreak immediately preferably within 12 hours.
5) The insured shall cause every poultry bird insured to have sufficient and
proper feed, water, shelter and shall keep secure all fences, yards, shed
and shall at all times and to the best of his knowledge and ability, use and
exercise every due .and proper precaution and safeguard against loss or
danger of loss under this policy, the intent and meaning of this condition
being that each insured bird and shall have the same care and attention
as when not insured.
6) In the event of illness/ outbreak/ accident the insured shall, at his own
expense, immediately obtain the services of a qualified veterinary surgeon
and cause the poultry birds to be properly treated.
7) If, and when any claim under this policy is made, there is any other
insurance by whomsoever affected covering the same poultry birds, the
company shall contribute only its rateable/ proportion.
8) If death of the poultry birds, hereby insured will be due to the negligence,
carelessness or wrong doing of any person, the insured shall not claim or
accept any compensation from such person or persons, but shall at once
give the company all necessary information and assistance to enable the
company to secure such compensation and it shall be absolutely the right
of the Company to sue in the name of the insured and recover
compensation from the person or persons causing the death, and any
monies or other compensation which shall be recovered shall belong to the
company. The Company will indemnify the insured against all costs and
expenses so incurred with it written consent.
9) The Company may cancel this policy by sending seven day notice by
registered letter to the insured at his last known address and in such
event will return to the insured the premium less the pro-rata portion
thereof for the period the policy has been in force or the policy may be
cancelled at any time by the insured on seven days notice (provided no claim has arisen during the then current period of insurance and the
Insured shall be entitled to return of the premium at the Companies short
period rates for the time t he policy has been in force.
10) If any difference arises as to the amount of any loss or damage such
differences shall independently of all other questions be referred to the
decision of an Arbitrator, to be appointed in writing by the parties in
difference or if they cannot agree upon a single Arbitrator, 'to the decision
of two disinterested person's as Arbitrators, of whom one shall, be
appointed in writing by each of the parties within two months after having
been required so to do in writing by the other party in case either party
shall refuse' or fail to appoint an Arbitrator within two months after receipt
of notice in writing requiring an appointment, the other party shall be at
liberty to appoint a sole Arbitrator and in case of disagreement between the
Arbitrators, the difference shall be referred to the decision of an umpire
who shall have been appointed by them in writing before entering on the
reference and who shall sit with the Arbitrators and preside at their
meeting. The death of any party shall not revoke or affect the authority or
powers of the Arbitrator, Arbitrators or umpire respectively and in the
event of death of an Arbitrator, or umpire, another shall in each case be
appointed in his stead by the party or Arbitrator (as the case may be) by
whom the Arbitrator or umpire so dying was appointed. The cost of the
reference and of the award shall be at the discretion of the Arbitrator,
Arbitrators or umpire making the award. And it is hereby expressly
stipulated and declared that it shall be a condition precedent to any right
of action or suit upon this policy that the award by such Arbitrator,
Arbitrators or umpire of the amount of the loss or damage if disputed shall
be first obtained.
In no case, whatsoever, shall the company be liable for any loss or damage after
the expiration of twelve months from the happening of the loss or damage
unless the claim is the subject of pending action or arbitration.
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Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Poultry Insurance
I. Scope and Features of the Scheme:
‘Poultry' refers to poultry units consisting of chicks/ hens/ cocks /ducks,
Turkeys, Quails and such other domesticated birds' reared for eggs and/or
It includes (a) layer birds (b) Broilers (c) Hatchery birds (Breeding Stock).
For the insurance purpose, Exotic bird means that whose parents are of
foreign breed either born in the country or abroad. A crossbred bird means
one, of whose parents, is of foreign breed.
II. Applicability:
(a) All birds in the farm should be covered.
(b) The Scheme is applicable to Poultry farms which consist of minimum
number of (i) Layer birds (ii) Broilers per batch iii) Breeding birds in
III. Age:
Layer birds - 1 day old to 72 weeks
Broilers - 1 day old to 8 weeks
Hatchery Birds - 1 day old to 72 weeks
IV. Premium rates:
Rates shall be fixed per bird for each of the following groups according to
each market’s conditions, mortality experience and facility of prompt
veterinary services:
(i) Layer birds
1 day old to 20 weeks
20 weeks to 72 weeks
(ii) Broilers
1 day old to 8 weeks per batch or per annum
(iii) Hatchery
1 day old to 72 weeks
(Extra premium to be charged for every additional increase than the
maximum value fixed for the bird.)
V. Sum Insured per bird:
The market value of birds varies from breed to breed, from area to area and
from time to time. Guideline valuation chart should be mapped out to be
approved and attached for fixing the maximum sum insured per bird and to
be the base of settling claims afterwards either for the Layers, for the
Broilers or for the Hatchery Birds.
VI. Insurance Coverage:
The policy shall provide indemnity against death of birds due to accident
(including Fire, Lightning, Flood, Cyclone, Famine, Strike and Riot) or diseases contracted or occurring during the period of insurance, subject to
the following exclusions:
(1) Malicious/ wilful injury, neglect.
(2) Transit by any mode of transport.
(3) Improper management (including overcrowding)
(4) Undergrowth, cannibalism, action of predators like preying birds and
carnivorous animals.
(5) Theft and clandestine sale of birds.
(6) Intentional slaughter of the birds except in cases where destruction is
necessary to terminate incurable suffering on humane consideration on
the basis of certificate issued by qualified veterinary surgeon or in cases
where destruction is resorted to by order of lawfully constituted
(7) Consequential loss however caused.
(8) Permanent and partial disablement of any nature.
(9) Loss of production
(10) Loss due to:
(a) Fowl Pox, Infectious Bronchitis and other specifically named
diseases. These diseases are covered by the policy only if the birds
are successfully inoculated against these diseases, if preventive and
curative measures are taken from time to time, and if the necessary
veterinary certificates to that effect are supplied to the Company.
(b) Malnutrition
(c) Undergrowth
(d) Cannibalism
(e) Loss due to huddling and/or piling of birds.
(f) Avian leucosis complex (A.L.C.)
(11) Salmonellas covered subject to submission of clean certificate from
competent Authorities immediately after testing.
(12) War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared
or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection mutiny, tumult,
military or usurped power or any consequences thereof or attempt
(13) Any accident, loss, destruction, damage or, legal liability directly or
indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from nuclear
VII. Veterinary Examination:
(a) A Veterinary Certificate from a qualified Veterinarian showing the
following details is necessary for acceptance of risk:
(1) Type of Birds
(2) Age of Birds (3) Details regarding housing, light, ventilation, temperature,
insulation, floor, feeds, water, sanitation etc.
(4) Vaccination and inoculation particulars.
(5) Debeaking
(6) Condition of health
(7) Type and source of feed
(8) Details of equipments
(9) Details of management/staff
(10) Veterinary assistance
(11) Mortality rate with reasons for last 2 or 3 years
(b) The Insurer reserves the right to maintain his own check and depute.
VIII. Identification:
(1) All the birds would be covered on flock basis. No identification is
(2) Insured must maintain at their own cost lot-wise records to show
inter alia (a) Mortality (b) Culling (c) Feed consumption (d) Incidence of
diseases (e) Vaccination and medication (f) Purchases and sales (g)
Daily Stock Register.
IX. Important Policy conditions:
(1) The Poultry farm should have veterinary facility.
(2) The cages if used must be maintained properly.
(3) Proper house keeping.
(4) In event of outbreak all healthy birds should be segregated and all
precautions should be taken to arrest the spreading of the disease,
under advice to the Insurance Company immediately.
(5) Proper balanced standard feed and clean water should be supplied to
(6) Proper flock record should be maintained on day to day basis.
(7) Transfer of interest/ ownership is not allowed.
(8) In case of death/ outbreak of epidemic immediate notice within twelve
hours should 'be given to Company. All birds 'should be segregated and
produced to the representative of the Company or to any person
authorised by the Company.
(9) Debeaking and Deworming should be carried out regularly and record
to that effect should be maintained.
X. Blanket Policies:
Blanket policies would be issued, subject to weekly declaration in favour of
clients who maintain regular records of each unit/ lot by which group of
birds could be identified and in which all illness suffered, treatment provided and vaccinations carried out are recorded in the normal course of
business. Additional premium at an agreed rate will be charged on pro-rata
basis on receipt of declarations for the new stock, subject to Veterinarian's
X I. Procedure for claims settlement:
(a) Admissibility of the claim:
Claim under the policy would be admissible only if the mortality in the
Flock exceeds the limits given below: (for example)
Weeks Mortality
Broilers: 1 day old to 8 weeks 5% of the population in each lot
Layers: 1day old to 8 weeks 5% of the population in each lot
9 weeks to 72 weeks 3% of the population in each lot
Compensation towards loss of the birds will be made only for death of
birds exceeding the mortality percentage given above.
(b) Liability of the Company:
The Insured will be indemnified for 100% of the value of the bird at the
time of death as per the valuation table given as guidelines.
XII. Claim procedure:
In the event of death of birds immediate intimation should be given to the
Company and the Insurer should be supplied with following documents
and required information:
(1) Duly completed claim form
(2) Death Certificate from a Veterinarian.
(3) Post mortem report if required by the Company.
XIII. Salvage:
No salvage will be deducted from claim.
XIV. Housing and Equipments:
A separate fire policy may be considered to grant cover for housing and

Turkeys, Quails and such other domesticated birds' reared for eggs and/or
It includes (a) layer birds (b) Broilers (c) Hatchery birds (Breeding Stock).
For the insurance purpose, Exotic bird means that whose parents are of
foreign breed either born in the country or abroad. A crossbred bird means
one, of whose parents, is of foreign breed.
II. Applicability:
(a) All birds in the farm should be covered.
(b) The Scheme is applicable to Poultry farms which consist of minimum
number of (i) Layer birds (ii) Broilers per batch iii) Breeding birds in
III. Age:
Layer birds - 1 day old to 72 weeks
Broilers - 1 day old to 8 weeks
Hatchery Birds - 1 day old to 72 weeks
IV. Premium rates:
Rates shall be fixed per bird for each of the following groups according to
each market’s conditions, mortality experience and facility of prompt
veterinary services:
(i) Layer birds
1 day old to 20 weeks
20 weeks to 72 weeks
(ii) Broilers
1 day old to 8 weeks per batch or per annum
(iii) Hatchery
1 day old to 72 weeks
(Extra premium to be charged for every additional increase than the
maximum value fixed for the bird.)
V. Sum Insured per bird:
The market value of birds varies from breed to breed, from area to area and
from time to time. Guideline valuation chart should be mapped out to be
approved and attached for fixing the maximum sum insured per bird and to
be the base of settling claims afterwards either for the Layers, for the
Broilers or for the Hatchery Birds.
VI. Insurance Coverage:
The policy shall provide indemnity against death of birds due to accident
(including Fire, Lightning, Flood, Cyclone, Famine, Strike and Riot) or diseases contracted or occurring during the period of insurance, subject to
the following exclusions:
(1) Malicious/ wilful injury, neglect.
(2) Transit by any mode of transport.
(3) Improper management (including overcrowding)
(4) Undergrowth, cannibalism, action of predators like preying birds and
carnivorous animals.
(5) Theft and clandestine sale of birds.
(6) Intentional slaughter of the birds except in cases where destruction is
necessary to terminate incurable suffering on humane consideration on
the basis of certificate issued by qualified veterinary surgeon or in cases
where destruction is resorted to by order of lawfully constituted
(7) Consequential loss however caused.
(8) Permanent and partial disablement of any nature.
(9) Loss of production
(10) Loss due to:
(a) Fowl Pox, Infectious Bronchitis and other specifically named
diseases. These diseases are covered by the policy only if the birds
are successfully inoculated against these diseases, if preventive and
curative measures are taken from time to time, and if the necessary
veterinary certificates to that effect are supplied to the Company.
(b) Malnutrition
(c) Undergrowth
(d) Cannibalism
(e) Loss due to huddling and/or piling of birds.
(f) Avian leucosis complex (A.L.C.)
(11) Salmonellas covered subject to submission of clean certificate from
competent Authorities immediately after testing.
(12) War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared
or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection mutiny, tumult,
military or usurped power or any consequences thereof or attempt
(13) Any accident, loss, destruction, damage or, legal liability directly or
indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from nuclear
VII. Veterinary Examination:
(a) A Veterinary Certificate from a qualified Veterinarian showing the
following details is necessary for acceptance of risk:
(1) Type of Birds
(2) Age of Birds (3) Details regarding housing, light, ventilation, temperature,
insulation, floor, feeds, water, sanitation etc.
(4) Vaccination and inoculation particulars.
(5) Debeaking
(6) Condition of health
(7) Type and source of feed
(8) Details of equipments
(9) Details of management/staff
(10) Veterinary assistance
(11) Mortality rate with reasons for last 2 or 3 years
(b) The Insurer reserves the right to maintain his own check and depute.
VIII. Identification:
(1) All the birds would be covered on flock basis. No identification is
(2) Insured must maintain at their own cost lot-wise records to show
inter alia (a) Mortality (b) Culling (c) Feed consumption (d) Incidence of
diseases (e) Vaccination and medication (f) Purchases and sales (g)
Daily Stock Register.
IX. Important Policy conditions:
(1) The Poultry farm should have veterinary facility.
(2) The cages if used must be maintained properly.
(3) Proper house keeping.
(4) In event of outbreak all healthy birds should be segregated and all
precautions should be taken to arrest the spreading of the disease,
under advice to the Insurance Company immediately.
(5) Proper balanced standard feed and clean water should be supplied to
(6) Proper flock record should be maintained on day to day basis.
(7) Transfer of interest/ ownership is not allowed.
(8) In case of death/ outbreak of epidemic immediate notice within twelve
hours should 'be given to Company. All birds 'should be segregated and
produced to the representative of the Company or to any person
authorised by the Company.
(9) Debeaking and Deworming should be carried out regularly and record
to that effect should be maintained.
X. Blanket Policies:
Blanket policies would be issued, subject to weekly declaration in favour of
clients who maintain regular records of each unit/ lot by which group of
birds could be identified and in which all illness suffered, treatment provided and vaccinations carried out are recorded in the normal course of
business. Additional premium at an agreed rate will be charged on pro-rata
basis on receipt of declarations for the new stock, subject to Veterinarian's
X I. Procedure for claims settlement:
(a) Admissibility of the claim:
Claim under the policy would be admissible only if the mortality in the
Flock exceeds the limits given below: (for example)
Weeks Mortality
Broilers: 1 day old to 8 weeks 5% of the population in each lot
Layers: 1day old to 8 weeks 5% of the population in each lot
9 weeks to 72 weeks 3% of the population in each lot
Compensation towards loss of the birds will be made only for death of
birds exceeding the mortality percentage given above.
(b) Liability of the Company:
The Insured will be indemnified for 100% of the value of the bird at the
time of death as per the valuation table given as guidelines.
XII. Claim procedure:
In the event of death of birds immediate intimation should be given to the
Company and the Insurer should be supplied with following documents
and required information:
(1) Duly completed claim form
(2) Death Certificate from a Veterinarian.
(3) Post mortem report if required by the Company.
XIII. Salvage:
No salvage will be deducted from claim.
XIV. Housing and Equipments:
A separate fire policy may be considered to grant cover for housing and
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Gay life insurance
Pro-gay life insurance bill becomes law in Va.
A bill enabling Virginia companies to offer life insurance benefits to the same-sex partners of employees became law earlier this month after Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) signed the measure.

Stacey Johnson, a McDonnell spokesperson, said the governor signed the bill into law because it passed with broad bipartisan support in the House and Senate.
“In addition, it will have no fiscal impact on Virginia’s taxpayers,” she said. “The governor believes a decision about who an employer can extend life insurance coverage to should be made by the group policy holder and the insurer.”
Previously, state law permitted Virginia residents to take out group life insurance coverage only for a legal spouse or a child under age 25. But the new statute, which takes effect July 1, broadens that group of people to include anyone with whom a Virginia resident has a substantial and economic interest, including a same-sex partner.
Del. Adam Ebbin (D-Alexandria), chief co-patron of the legislation and the only openly gay member of the Virginia General Assembly, said he was pleased the bill finally passed after it was first introduced three years ago.
“It’s exciting that after three years of work, GLBT people will be able to make their partners their beneficiaries,” Ebbin said. “It’s long overdue, but it’s a step forward nonetheless.”
Jon Blair, CEO of Equality Virginia, said he wasn’t surprised that McDonnell signed the bill when it came to his desk.
“This is pretty much no-brainer stuff,” he said. “Really, the only surprise is that it didn’t pass earlier.”
David Lampo, vice president of the Virginia Log Cabin Republicans, attributed the success of the bill this year to its Republican chief patron, Del. Tom Rust (R-Fairfax).
“Having a Republican patron made a very big difference, but we all owe Del. Adam Ebbin a debt for first proposing this bill,” Lampo said.
Ebbin first introduced the bill in the Virginia House in 2008. The legislation failed to pass that year and again in 2009 before it became law this year.
Ebbin said he believes the bill succeeded this year because the insurance lobby worked hard to support it and the Virginia Family Foundation didn’t obstruct its passage. He noted that a technical change in wording that didn’t substantively change the legislation also contributed to the bill’s success.
Previous versions of the bill allowed Virginia residents to designate someone from “any other class of persons” they wanted as a life insurance beneficiary, while the enacted version changes this language to “any other person” with whom the insured group member has an insurable interest.
The legislation notably failed in the two previous sessions when there were a greater number of Democratic lawmakers in the General Assembly and a Democratic governor. It passed during the administration of a Republican governor who’s not considered gay friendly.
Upon taking office, McDonnell renewed an executive order protecting certain classes of people from discrimination in the public workforce, although he left out sexual orientation as one such class. He later issued a directive saying the state shouldn’t discriminate against LGBT people, although this action doesn’t have the same teeth as an executive order.
Ebbin said he believes McDonnell allowed the bill to become law because he didn’t want to oppose legislation that provides for wider life insurance and because no controversy surrounded the bill as it progressed to the governor’s desk.

Kelly Young, an Arlington, Va., resident who married his spouse Bill Reinsmith in Vermont earlier this month, encouraged Ebbin to introduce the legislation in 2008 so that he could provide life insurance to his partner through his company.
Although the issue is now moot for Young and Reinsmith because Young is self-employed and Reinsmith’s company offer doesn’t life insurance benefits, Young said the passage of the legislation moves Virginia forward.
“It is still important, both economically and morally,” Young said. “It’s a small step forward for LGBT equality in a state that doesn’t offer LGBT residents much in the way of equality and lately has sent some weird signals on LGBT issues.”
Pub Insurance
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Our Pub Insurance policies cover Public Liability and Employers' Liability, Accidental Damage and Loss of drinks license up to £100,000. We also include Loss of income following an incident up to £500,000.
Take out your licensed trade insurance with Insure Your Pub and receive benefits such as our claims assistance team; Experienced, dedicated staff who understand the licensed trade market; instant confirmation documents and of course, cheap premiums.
In addition, we have several add-on to include to your policy such as Legal Expenses, Personal Contents cover and Buildings cover
Why do I need Pub, Bar and Club Insurance?
Running your own pub may be rewarding but requires long and unsociable hours. With so much to do such as, ordering the stock, taking care of deliveries, training staff and of course serving customers, there is usually no time to spare. In this type of busy environment, one can easily forget the necessity to renew your pub insurance. Forgetting or putting off your insurance renewal could lead to catastrophic consequences.
As experienced publicans are only too well aware, anything can happen in a pub. The owner of the premises including the staff will see the best and the worst of human behavior, especially where alcohol is concerned. There is unfortunately always an element of risk; tempers can flare which may result in individuals being removed from the premises by management or staff. This can lead to all types of hazardous scenarios resulting in personal injury or damage to your property. Likewise, drinks accidentally spilt or food dropped on the floor can become areas of danger, if someone slips and hurts themselves. Be in no doubt if a customer suffers any form of injury or has an accident on your premises because of your negligence, they will lodge a claim against you.
It is very unwise to be uninsured or not insured enough. In today's society some people look at ways in seeking compensation through the courts when a misdemeanor happens. All of your hard work in building up your pub's business and reputation can be destroyed because of one incident. It is therefore vital to be fully insured, an insurance policy can be tailor-made to suit your business requirements.
Every licensed business is different and therefore may require different types of policies. The most important insurance policies to cover most eventualities are Public Liability, Employers Liability, Property Damage and Interruption of Business. These are extremely easy to organist with the help of professional insurance staff who know exactly what a publican requires. Prices can be compared with any existing insurance you may have and a suitable quote will be offered to you. Insuring your public house certainly won't cost the earth, however if you are in any doubt insurance advisers will be more than happy to help.
Public Liability Insurance covers the cost of a claim if unfortunately a customer on your premises is injured, including any damage to their personal property. Employers Liability Insurance pays for any claim made by staff you have hired if they are injured or become ill as a result of working for you, this is also a legal requirement by law. Property Damage Insurance covers the contents of your pub, fixtures and fittings and in the event of a fire or theft, these are covered too. Interrupted Business Insurance is also recommended with the loss of income covered, if for instance you have to close the pub for any reason.
Bar and Nightclub Insurance Coverage
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Renters Insurance
Renters Insurance Shopping Made Easy
Renters insurance is a necessity for anyone renting or subletting a home or apartment. Whether you live in a single family home, duplex, townhome, condo, loft, studio or apartment, you need to have renters insurance to protect your belongings and your liability. In fact, many landlords throughout America require tenants to purchase rental insurance when they sign a lease with their renter. The good news is that you can very easily compare affordable renters insurance policies online from the comfort of your home or office to find the best policy at the lowest price.
Property owners or landlords are required to hold homeowners coverage, which protects the actual structure of the house or apartment and the land it is located on. Most renters however, aren't aware that all the personal property inside the home are that of the tenants and therefore will only be covered if the tentant has a rental insurance policy.
If there was a flood, theft or fire in which the property and all the items inside the property were destroyed or stolen, the landlord would be covered for the property with the homeowner's coverage policy but the items inside the home would be the responsibility of the renter. If the renter has a renter's insurance policy, their valuables will be replaced by the replacement contents coverage. It's unfortunate for not planning in the case of loss, but if the renter does not have insurance, their belongings will have to be replaced out of their own pocket!
Take a good look around your home. If everything you own was stolen or destroyed by a natural disaster, would you be able to afford to replace it all? If any of your valuable personal property were stolen or vandalized, would you be able to afford to pay for them again out of your own pocket? Do you have the cash on hand to replace your computer, laptop, iPod, dvd player, tv, stereo, jewelry, clothing, furniture, or appliances?
How about this possibility - do you have about $10 a month to ensure that all your belongings will be replaced in the event of a fire, tornado, theft or vandalism? Generally, you can find really cheap renters insurance online by comparing multiple home insurance companies. Low cost rental insurance is not difficult to find since many companies are willing to compete for your business. Many people who already have a car insurance policy, healthcare coverage or life policy may simply add their renters insurance to their existing coverage policy but it's always a good idea to review your policies every six months in order to make sure you are adequately covered. Many property insurers will offer a discount when you bundle your policies so you that can find an even more affordable renter insurance coverage.
In addition to insuring your valuables and personal property, you will also be protecting yourself against lawsuits with liability protection. If a person is injured in your home that is not due to a problem with the actual structure of the home, they can sue you. If you have a renter's insurance policy however, you can protect yourself from any litigation that might results from someone injuring themselves while visiting your home.

You can get a liability or comprehensive renters insurance quote and talk with an agent about the possibility of bundling your other coverage needs along with your rental insurance to get an affordable tentants insurance rate from a reputable home insurance company. You could be paying pennies a day on a cheap renter's insurance policy to have all the valuables in your home, apartment or sublet covered. Can you think of any reason not to get covered?
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Insurance News
PG & E Has Nearly $ 1 Billion In Insurance
PG & E Corp. said Friday that federal regulators that its usefulness has almost $ 1 billion in fire insurance to cover the liabilities of the natural gas pipeline explosion in San Bruno fatal, but added that its financial position "can negative impact "if the insurance coverage or below is not available.
Fearful investors fled stocks PG & E, erasing about $ 1 billion in market value of San Francisco company. PG & E has dropped $ 4.03, or 8.4%, to $ 44.21 in the wholesale trade.
Pacific Gas & Electric Co., the largest company PG & E said it was "take responsibility" if it is found to be responsible for gas explosion Thursday in the pipeline.
"We are determined to do right and what is appropriate to help all families and others who were affected by this tragedy," said the president of the usefulness of Chris Johns Friday at a news conference.
The unusual nature of the incident which took place in a residential area, could ratchet up costs far beyond pipeline incidents in recent times, analysts said, but several expressed confidence that PG & E has a adequate insurance and financial resources to manage injuries, fines and possible lawsuits and repairs.
Other pipeline accidents eventually led to damage of about $ 100 million to U.S. $ 200 million, analysts said. But he stressed that most of these incidents occurred in relatively remote areas away from neighborhoods.
"It's very rare that this occurs in a residential area. They usually occur in the construction and excavation in places without permission," said Shelby Tucker, director general of electricity at Oppenheimer & Co. "It's really hard to tell if your insurance covers this, and now we're talking about lives lost, takes a completely different level. "
Houston-based El Paso Corp., has reached a series of out-of-court two relatives of a family wiped out in August 2000 the explosion of a gas pipeline near Carlsbad, NM are presented in a single contract: $ 14 million to pay victims of the December 1. To resolve the federal claims, the company has agreed to pay for $ 101500000, which included at least $ 86 million to modify its system of pipes.
In 1999, gas pipeline ruptured and caught fire in Bellingham, Washington, killing three people. Olympic Pipe Line Co. paid $ 112 million in civil penalties, criminal fines and safety improvements, and two former executives were sentenced to prison for contributing to the leak.
In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, PG & E Corp., said it maintains liability insurance for damage caused by fire "for approximately $ 992 million in more than a deductible $ 10,000,000 . "Analysts estimate that only a finding of negligence could prevent the usefulness of insurance.
"They did a great job with their operations in the past," said Tucker. "It's certainly a surprise. There were some problems, but nothing of this magnitude."
But the long-term utility to the critique of Reform Network Utility, or turn, suggested that PG & E may slow the residents' complaints about gas fumes. TURN spokeswoman Mindy said Spatti PG & E had promised to improve its response to the 2007 opinion, after gas leak killed the person in Rancho Cordova, California
"In San Bruno, again customer did the right thing and called PG & E when they smelled gas. PG & E had the correct answer, the explosion might not have happened, "said Spaten.
Johns said the federal investigators, state and utility have been looking into the reports.
Some Wall Street analysts said it was too early to determine the economic consequences of PG & E, while others believe that the investors 'panic' in case it was an overreaction
Fearful investors fled stocks PG & E, erasing about $ 1 billion in market value of San Francisco company. PG & E has dropped $ 4.03, or 8.4%, to $ 44.21 in the wholesale trade.
Pacific Gas & Electric Co., the largest company PG & E said it was "take responsibility" if it is found to be responsible for gas explosion Thursday in the pipeline.
"We are determined to do right and what is appropriate to help all families and others who were affected by this tragedy," said the president of the usefulness of Chris Johns Friday at a news conference.
The unusual nature of the incident which took place in a residential area, could ratchet up costs far beyond pipeline incidents in recent times, analysts said, but several expressed confidence that PG & E has a adequate insurance and financial resources to manage injuries, fines and possible lawsuits and repairs.
Other pipeline accidents eventually led to damage of about $ 100 million to U.S. $ 200 million, analysts said. But he stressed that most of these incidents occurred in relatively remote areas away from neighborhoods.
"It's very rare that this occurs in a residential area. They usually occur in the construction and excavation in places without permission," said Shelby Tucker, director general of electricity at Oppenheimer & Co. "It's really hard to tell if your insurance covers this, and now we're talking about lives lost, takes a completely different level. "
Houston-based El Paso Corp., has reached a series of out-of-court two relatives of a family wiped out in August 2000 the explosion of a gas pipeline near Carlsbad, NM are presented in a single contract: $ 14 million to pay victims of the December 1. To resolve the federal claims, the company has agreed to pay for $ 101500000, which included at least $ 86 million to modify its system of pipes.
In 1999, gas pipeline ruptured and caught fire in Bellingham, Washington, killing three people. Olympic Pipe Line Co. paid $ 112 million in civil penalties, criminal fines and safety improvements, and two former executives were sentenced to prison for contributing to the leak.
In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, PG & E Corp., said it maintains liability insurance for damage caused by fire "for approximately $ 992 million in more than a deductible $ 10,000,000 . "Analysts estimate that only a finding of negligence could prevent the usefulness of insurance.
"They did a great job with their operations in the past," said Tucker. "It's certainly a surprise. There were some problems, but nothing of this magnitude."
But the long-term utility to the critique of Reform Network Utility, or turn, suggested that PG & E may slow the residents' complaints about gas fumes. TURN spokeswoman Mindy said Spatti PG & E had promised to improve its response to the 2007 opinion, after gas leak killed the person in Rancho Cordova, California
"In San Bruno, again customer did the right thing and called PG & E when they smelled gas. PG & E had the correct answer, the explosion might not have happened, "said Spaten.
Johns said the federal investigators, state and utility have been looking into the reports.
Some Wall Street analysts said it was too early to determine the economic consequences of PG & E, while others believe that the investors 'panic' in case it was an overreaction
New Technology Insurance Internet Site Issues Insurance IT Consultants Immediate Responsibility
Independent consultants usually work a certain number of employers throughout the year, to win a project by project, directly or through employers 'temporary' / IT staffing companies. The evidence of insurance is often a requirement for employment.
"The lack of coverage may be a disqualifying factor for a computer consulting work," Goodwin said, "so that even a slight delay in obtaining coverage can mean the loss of an assignment to another consultant coverage compulsory insurance. "
Independent consultants have been part of P & C Insurance filling out applications and looks forward to the review process and the signing of an insurance agent and transport, the process can take several days to finish. Insuremytechbusiness.com prices and non-life insurance questions call the candidate's visit to the site, in which case a computer to obtain independent certification of insurance, 10 to 15 minutes. Candidates will be able to purchase insurance coverage technology with credit card online.
Once the policies are approved, customers can return at any moment the site immediately print their own certificates of insurance. Traditional insurance providers require a waiting period for coverage and for the delivery of a certificate of insurance. Some charge as much for the certificates.
Texas Auto Insurance Change Highlights The Value Of The Highest Levels Of Coverage
A bill approved by the Texas Legislature in 2007 established a two-step, gradually increasing the amount of auto insurance is legally required of pilots in the State and the State Department of Insurance (DOI) points in a new bulletin from the public the second and final part of this increase will take place on 1 January 2011. Drivers who want to ensure they receive the extra protection at an affordable price can go online to compare auto insurance quotes effectively.
When the legislature approved the bill in 2007, motorists in the Lone Star State was the place to be in politics, which would provide a minimum of up to $ 20,000 for each injured person responsibility for injuries in an accident and up to $ 40,000 for each incident and $ 15,000 in property damage liability. (This can often be entered as 20/40/15.)
The provisions of the law said the minimum rates would be increased to 25/50/25 in April 2008. And from January 1, 2011, there will at least be raised after 30/60/25.
Although some motorists may complain about the new costs that may come as a result of the increase could change the minimum requirements to be useful in the long term. Many experts point out that most of the minimum set by the state are relatively low and, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, get an extra blanket nailed to a policy that can actually be done for only a small increase in premiums .
State Farm Seeks Rate Increases In Property Insurance
Sinkhole claims, which are almost 2 billion dollars over the past five years, Florida has shot a very high cost to the insurance industry.
When asked the actuary was Bob Lee, manager of State Farm testified that he lost $ 327000000 last five years, most of the last two, on behalf of sinkhole claims only. The company calculates its sinkhole coverage in standard policies, but offering to pay separately for housing.
However, the insurance consumer advocate of the state was in conflict with State Farm on reducing the number of policyholders should get a sinkhole coverage is removed from politics.
State Farm sought to discount policies around $ 150 on average, but actuary Steve Alexander testified at the hearing two hours of finding it should be at least twice.
Alexander said that the State Farm agent commissions to pay well above the national average, adding unnecessary costs to operate in Florida.
If approved, new rates will become effective upon April 1 for new business and July 1 renewals.
State Farm also asked the number has increased by almost 96 percent and less than its book of business rental apartments. It holds about 50000 such a policy now.
Deputy Commissioner said Robin Westcott Office of Insurance Regulation will likely have a decision on requests for State Farm for two to three weeks.
State Farm has reached an agreement a year ago to cut ÖIR policies 125 000 over 18 months to reduce the liability of a hurricane prone Florida.
State Farm is the largest private property insurer in Florida with just over 500,000 subscribers. The state with the support of the citizens of Property Insurance Corp. is the largest with 1.2 million policyholders.
State Farm and the IRO had disagreed on the price, but the Legislature of Florida lodging options for private insurance companies, hoping somehow to reduce the increasing risk of a citizen more and more, supported by assessments on most insurance policies sold in the state.
Dozens of start-ups have changed in Florida in the last decade to try to reduce the participation of citizens.
Life Insurance, Health Services Becoming More Expensive
The cost of life insurance and health care can get to Budget 2011, the provision of services to hospitals and life insurance companies under the service tax.
Move expected to result in a higher premium for insurance products in all types of anti-term plans, including products such as own funds and pension funds of companies that are able to transfer the additional costs for buyers.
"It 's a service charge already in the traditional political risk cover. When is 1%. However, the budget proposal, the tax service will increase by 1.5% in the case of Ulips (unit-linked insurance products ), "said Rajesh Sud, President and CEO, Max New York Life Insurance Co. Ltd." It will pay the full premium, if traditional policies. "
South said that the movement was against the general expectation that the Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee will give tax incentives to promote more long-term savings and insurance.
Kartik Jhaveri, Founder and Director, Transcend Consulting, a private financial planning and wealth management company, also said the move was unexpected.
"Insurance companies are likely to pass at least in part, the burden to consumers," said Jhaveri. "The transfer may also be advantageous to the management company."
P. Nandagopal, CEO and general manager of the first India Life Insurance Co. Pvt. Ltd, said the impact of the proposed changes would likely be marginal.
"The tax shall not apply to all premiums and, consequently, the impact will be less," said Nandagopal. "But taxing the investment component is a tedious process and we must await the end of the guidelines to calculate the actual impact on the insured."
Healthcare costs are rising, with Mukherjee, offers all the services provided by hospitals with beds for 25 or more and the air conditioning in the service tax net.
Until now, service fee was charged for hospital services only to customers whose payments were made by an insurance company or business unit. But the budget proposes that the tax is also levied on customers who pay for themselves.
The rate of taxation of services remains at 10% and a reduction of 50% means that the effective rate is 5%.
This step removes an anomaly in the tax structure.
Move expected to result in a higher premium for insurance products in all types of anti-term plans, including products such as own funds and pension funds of companies that are able to transfer the additional costs for buyers.
"It 's a service charge already in the traditional political risk cover. When is 1%. However, the budget proposal, the tax service will increase by 1.5% in the case of Ulips (unit-linked insurance products ), "said Rajesh Sud, President and CEO, Max New York Life Insurance Co. Ltd." It will pay the full premium, if traditional policies. "
South said that the movement was against the general expectation that the Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee will give tax incentives to promote more long-term savings and insurance.
Kartik Jhaveri, Founder and Director, Transcend Consulting, a private financial planning and wealth management company, also said the move was unexpected.
"Insurance companies are likely to pass at least in part, the burden to consumers," said Jhaveri. "The transfer may also be advantageous to the management company."
P. Nandagopal, CEO and general manager of the first India Life Insurance Co. Pvt. Ltd, said the impact of the proposed changes would likely be marginal.
"The tax shall not apply to all premiums and, consequently, the impact will be less," said Nandagopal. "But taxing the investment component is a tedious process and we must await the end of the guidelines to calculate the actual impact on the insured."
Healthcare costs are rising, with Mukherjee, offers all the services provided by hospitals with beds for 25 or more and the air conditioning in the service tax net.
Until now, service fee was charged for hospital services only to customers whose payments were made by an insurance company or business unit. But the budget proposes that the tax is also levied on customers who pay for themselves.
The rate of taxation of services remains at 10% and a reduction of 50% means that the effective rate is 5%.
This step removes an anomaly in the tax structure.
Pay-as-you-drive auto insurance touted.. again
A new report commissioned by the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions recommends that pilot pay-as-you-drive insurance to try BC
PAYD also called a function of distance, based on the use by insurance or kilometer.
Instead of a fixed price of insurance is usually about $ 1200 per car in British Columbia and allows unlimited mileage, PAYD offers drivers a discount if less than the average amount of their region, but loads more if exceed this amount.
PAYD also called a function of distance, based on the use by insurance or kilometer.
Instead of a fixed price of insurance is usually about $ 1200 per car in British Columbia and allows unlimited mileage, PAYD offers drivers a discount if less than the average amount of their region, but loads more if exceed this amount.
The idea is that vehicle owners to get money in their pockets if they drive less, reduce pollution and congestion.
Driving less also leads to fewer accidents and less demand - and thus do not affect the profits of insurance companies.
The Pacific Institute, which was established by the provincial government in 2008 to $ 94.5 million, is headquartered at the University of Victoria, but also includes the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University and the University of North BC
According to its mission statement, which was created to better inform climate change policies and actions. "
Driving less also leads to fewer accidents and less demand - and thus do not affect the profits of insurance companies.
The Pacific Institute, which was established by the provincial government in 2008 to $ 94.5 million, is headquartered at the University of Victoria, but also includes the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University and the University of North BC
According to its mission statement, which was created to better inform climate change policies and actions. "
As part of this work, the Institute has funded a study of insurance pay as-you-drive in British Columbia by Todd Litman of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute, which came with the recommendation of proof PAYD.
The common and most controversial misunderstanding about PAYD, according to Litman, is that it will put a greater financial burden for rural residents than their city cousins.
"Even if rural people do not drive their vehicles, no more than urban dwellers, only rural residents who have traveled more than the average rural residents would pay more," said Litman. "At least half of rural residents would be able to save money with this."
The common and most controversial misunderstanding about PAYD, according to Litman, is that it will put a greater financial burden for rural residents than their city cousins.
"Even if rural people do not drive their vehicles, no more than urban dwellers, only rural residents who have traveled more than the average rural residents would pay more," said Litman. "At least half of rural residents would be able to save money with this."
Dr. Tom Pedersen, managing director of Pacific Institute believes that PAYD could be "one of the many" ways to fight climate change.
"Frankly, we have to drag everything to get our carbon emissions down," he said. "When I look at the science and I was in the region for over 30 years, it is very disappointing.
"We have a large freight train down the tracks to us now and we must do our darndest best to slow the train down," said Pedersen, who was previously dean of science at the University of Victoria.
He said the report was forwarded to the provincial government, including the Climate Action Secretariat.
Nobody's government responded to the request for an interview Tuesday. ICBC was unavailable for comment before press time.
"Frankly, we have to drag everything to get our carbon emissions down," he said. "When I look at the science and I was in the region for over 30 years, it is very disappointing.
"We have a large freight train down the tracks to us now and we must do our darndest best to slow the train down," said Pedersen, who was previously dean of science at the University of Victoria.
He said the report was forwarded to the provincial government, including the Climate Action Secretariat.
Nobody's government responded to the request for an interview Tuesday. ICBC was unavailable for comment before press time.
Car Insurance Premiums Increase By 40%
Car insurance premiums have risen by a record 40% in the year to fraud and personal injury claims would continue to cover the cost of the research showed today.
The average price of a comprehensive policy, based on the three most competitive quotes, was 892 pounds at the end of March was 40.1% over the previous year and the largest annual increase recorded by the AA, the index since its inception in 1994.
Young drivers continue to pay the price increases, the cost of coverage for drivers aged between 17 and 22 jump 64% to an average £ 2,431, rising to £ 3052 for young men.
The biggest trip was to cover third party fire and theft policies, often characterized by young drivers who can not afford full coverage, with premiums rising by 82.1% to £ 1,533 that companies insurance continue to leave the area and thereby reduce competition.
AA said the main factors pushing up the cost of auto insurance continues at high levels of fraud and costly, because of injuries.
The group said although the number of accidents on British roads are falling, the number of claims for whiplash injuries continued to increase, with more than 200 applications a day, often for accidents to Three years ago, in the absence of any mention of injuries were made at the time.
But he added that the recent proposals by the Lord Chancellor Kenneth Clarke to reduce the costs associated with "no-win-no fee" claims should help improve the situation if they become law.
Simon Douglas director of AA Insurance, said: "The record increase in fuel costs and speed up car insurance premiums is a disappointing news and will make driving too expensive for many people, especially cash-strapped young drivers.
"Despite the sharp increase in premiums, insurers are still losses if the large underwriting loss in 2009 is probably now been halved."
He added that although insurance premiums for motor vehicles rose by 5.9% in the first three months of 2011, during which usually cover the cost of a static, add the rest of the year was likely to be smaller and excursions price for the entire 2011 was probably greater than 20%.
But the Association of British Insurers has warned that if nothing is done to reduce the cost of injury claims, auto insurance premiums continue to rise.
Nick Starling, ABI director of general insurance and health, said: "the projects recently announced by the government to reform the civil case go a long way to reduce unnecessary and disproportionate legal costs and must carry auto insurance cheaper in the future.
"Now we have to deny the charges - if all the information about personal injury lawyers of the claimants' continue to be sold and the management company claims."
The cost of home insurance to record levels in March, as increased insurance premiums for the following winter high in the claims.
The average cost of coverage of buildings increased by 13.6% over the year to the end of March to 147.29 pounds, while premiums increased 11.9% content of 76.39 pounds.
Douglas said: "As the industry's concern for the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events we will see premium increases are fairly modest."
The average price of a comprehensive policy, based on the three most competitive quotes, was 892 pounds at the end of March was 40.1% over the previous year and the largest annual increase recorded by the AA, the index since its inception in 1994.
Young drivers continue to pay the price increases, the cost of coverage for drivers aged between 17 and 22 jump 64% to an average £ 2,431, rising to £ 3052 for young men.
The biggest trip was to cover third party fire and theft policies, often characterized by young drivers who can not afford full coverage, with premiums rising by 82.1% to £ 1,533 that companies insurance continue to leave the area and thereby reduce competition.
AA said the main factors pushing up the cost of auto insurance continues at high levels of fraud and costly, because of injuries.
The group said although the number of accidents on British roads are falling, the number of claims for whiplash injuries continued to increase, with more than 200 applications a day, often for accidents to Three years ago, in the absence of any mention of injuries were made at the time.
But he added that the recent proposals by the Lord Chancellor Kenneth Clarke to reduce the costs associated with "no-win-no fee" claims should help improve the situation if they become law.
Simon Douglas director of AA Insurance, said: "The record increase in fuel costs and speed up car insurance premiums is a disappointing news and will make driving too expensive for many people, especially cash-strapped young drivers.
"Despite the sharp increase in premiums, insurers are still losses if the large underwriting loss in 2009 is probably now been halved."
He added that although insurance premiums for motor vehicles rose by 5.9% in the first three months of 2011, during which usually cover the cost of a static, add the rest of the year was likely to be smaller and excursions price for the entire 2011 was probably greater than 20%.
But the Association of British Insurers has warned that if nothing is done to reduce the cost of injury claims, auto insurance premiums continue to rise.
Nick Starling, ABI director of general insurance and health, said: "the projects recently announced by the government to reform the civil case go a long way to reduce unnecessary and disproportionate legal costs and must carry auto insurance cheaper in the future.
"Now we have to deny the charges - if all the information about personal injury lawyers of the claimants' continue to be sold and the management company claims."
The cost of home insurance to record levels in March, as increased insurance premiums for the following winter high in the claims.
The average cost of coverage of buildings increased by 13.6% over the year to the end of March to 147.29 pounds, while premiums increased 11.9% content of 76.39 pounds.
Douglas said: "As the industry's concern for the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events we will see premium increases are fairly modest."
Sales Of Life Insurance Gathering
Robust economic growth and an increase in the immigrant population in Singapore last year gave a boost to the industry of life insurance, which posted an increase of 16 per cent year on year the number of total sales for 2010.
The Life Insurance Association (LIA) said that insurance companies pulled in nearly $ S 1.7 billion in new sales, up from S $ 1,430,000,000 in 2009.
Last year, the annual premium sales rose 20 percent on year to S $ 1.1 billion, while single premium sales increased nine percent to S $ 562.1 million .
Health insurance sales rose seven percent to $ 156 million S. A total of 2.35 million lives are now covered by health insurance.
Financial advisors also reporting healthy sales.
For some, revenue rose 15 percent in the last two quarters.
Alliance Financial Advisors director Raymond Ng said the investment products linked single premium and investment have increased dramatically.
Market players said the health insurance sales have increased due to increased medical costs.
MediShield Basic premiums rose 10 percent to S $ 33 in the last two years.
LIA these prospective new insurers may slow this year.
Life Insurance Association president Tan Hak Leh, said: "We expect the underlying demand for our insurance products to remain strong, especially the request for protection, protection of life insurance and health protection against disability and long-term savings to increase.
'E', however, the strong growth we achieved in 2010, we expect growth in 2011 to be lower. "
But the insurance industry could see new challenges ahead.
The sources said that the roof can be 15 staff under a Director of an agency, which can be implemented as early as next month.
Introduced in 2001, LIA has recommended that agencies had to work more effectively with 15 agents under one agency director.
Some agency leaders said that the rule limiting the profits. And the answer, said the LIA are currently reviewing the Agency's guidelines for the management and updating, if necessary.
The Life Insurance Association (LIA) said that insurance companies pulled in nearly $ S 1.7 billion in new sales, up from S $ 1,430,000,000 in 2009.
Last year, the annual premium sales rose 20 percent on year to S $ 1.1 billion, while single premium sales increased nine percent to S $ 562.1 million .
Health insurance sales rose seven percent to $ 156 million S. A total of 2.35 million lives are now covered by health insurance.
Financial advisors also reporting healthy sales.
For some, revenue rose 15 percent in the last two quarters.
Alliance Financial Advisors director Raymond Ng said the investment products linked single premium and investment have increased dramatically.
Market players said the health insurance sales have increased due to increased medical costs.
MediShield Basic premiums rose 10 percent to S $ 33 in the last two years.
LIA these prospective new insurers may slow this year.
Life Insurance Association president Tan Hak Leh, said: "We expect the underlying demand for our insurance products to remain strong, especially the request for protection, protection of life insurance and health protection against disability and long-term savings to increase.
'E', however, the strong growth we achieved in 2010, we expect growth in 2011 to be lower. "
But the insurance industry could see new challenges ahead.
The sources said that the roof can be 15 staff under a Director of an agency, which can be implemented as early as next month.
Introduced in 2001, LIA has recommended that agencies had to work more effectively with 15 agents under one agency director.
Some agency leaders said that the rule limiting the profits. And the answer, said the LIA are currently reviewing the Agency's guidelines for the management and updating, if necessary.
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